more: …sobre el arte en la fotografía…

As I wrote about a week ago my friend Eliseo Miciu and I are running a series of talks about artistic aspects of photography.
Not so much about artistry in taking photos, but rather about how to look at photographs, how to find the art in images.

Right after I came here I was surprised to see how many ‘clases en fotografía’ were announced in flyers on walls and windows of small shops across town. Talking to some of the students and aficionados I realized that those courses were mostly about how to ‘operate’ a camera and gave the standard recipes on how to shoot a picture.

In a conversation with Eliseo we both agreed that looking at the photographs of great Masters was not only a joy but also provided a chance to realize, to see, what it actually is that makes them ‘great’ images.

Rather than looking at and talking about the famous works among us in his studio we decided to do it in public in a small restaurant.


We didn’t shoot videos of our talks (yet), and with his knowledge Eliseo didn’t even need to write notes about what he was going to say. ‘Thanks’ to my not entirely fluent Spanish I needed the written word and that’s why I can offer a pdf with pictures and notes of my talk about Henri Cartier Bresson: click on the flyer to download.


The text is in Spanish, of course, but the pictures selected will already tell a story. And if you really want me to translate the notes, drop me a mail or say something in the comments section.

Here’s the link to download my presentation on Stephen Shore I mentioned in the (German) post about our charlas last week.


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